Jackie's Letter

Jackie's Letter
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Dear Mr. and Mrs. Brooks,

(Spelling errors fixed for image description) Will she ever be able to walk, see, or hear ever again? How does she do school does she do online, homeschool, or does she go to actual school? How is it like having a child that has a disability is it hard, easy, or is it really stressful? I kind know how you feel I have a cousin his name is Grant he has disabilities too. Anyways, I hope she gets better!

Dear Jackie,  It’s hard to know whether Charlotte will ever fully walk, see, or hear, but we do know she has a little bit of hearing and vision! She can see objects that are less than 12 inches from her face. She is starting to begin to be able to stand and we are celebrating that! She goes to a public school just like you and is in a special education preschool classroom. Charlotte makes it very easy to raise her, but so many hospital visits and appointments can definitely be hard and stressful, but she’s so worth it. We love her and I know you love your cousin too!  Sincerely, The Brooks Family

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Dear Jackie,

It’s hard to know whether Charlotte will ever fully walk, see, or hear, but we do know she has a little bit of hearing and vision! She can see objects that are less than 12 inches from her face. She is starting to begin to be able to stand and we are celebrating that! She goes to a public school just like you and is in a special education preschool classroom. Charlotte makes it very easy to raise her, but so many hospital visits and appointments can definitely be hard and stressful, but she’s so worth it. We love her and I know you love your cousin too!

The Brooks Family

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